Prayer of Decree: God’s Love
Prayer Of Decree.
God’s Love
Lord, I thank you that my love now flows more and more to others and at the same time I keep growing in spiritual knowledge and insights.
I now see clearly between right and wrong, recognizing the highest and the best in everyone.
I obey your commandment to love others, the darkness in my life has disappeared and the new light of life in Christ, now shines in me.
Gods love is in me and for me, I put my trust in God to love others.
I love people and people love me.
No matter what I hold my head up high because I know that’s all his will, I know how much God loves me and cares for me.
“Love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening].”
1 Corinthians 13:7 AMP
Pastor Marta Sobel
Let’s Get Together Ministry ♥️